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Welcome to the Physicians Agent™ Success Community! This is a forum designed to facilitate positive, supportive collaboration among our Physicians Agent™ Network. We will also use this space to announce industry news and updates, post Client success stories and share our best practices with the community. 

Please note that a Physicians Agent™ administrator closely monitors all posts and we reserve the right to delete posts that violate our community guidelines. Repeat offenders may be asked to leave the group. 

Members should direct all concerns and complaints to

Thank you and we look forward to your success!

join our facebook comunity



This is where med students find out what Residency program they are 'matched' to.

Once this day happens, and they find out where they will be going, they will then look for homes to purchase!!!! And we will be ready to help them!!!!

Match Day.JPG

We believe every physicians family should feel confident when buying and selling a home.
— Mike Ficzner, Physicians Agent™