Physician Loans by Chemical Bank in Toledo | Is the Recent Dip in Interest Rates Here to Stay?


At Physician Loans USA , we don’t want you to feel overwhelmed; we don’t want you to feel like you are lost or alone in whatever you are confronting.  We are here to guide you on selecting Toledo properties.

Today I would like to talk to you about Physician Loans by Chemical Bank in Toledo | Is the Recent Dip in Interest Rates Here to Stay?

Interest rates for a 30-year fixed rate mortgage climbed consistently throughout 2018 until the middle of November. After that point, rates returned to levels that we saw in August to close out the year at 4.55%, according to Freddie Mac’s Primary Mortgage Market Survey.

After the first week of 2019, rates have continued their downward trend. As Freddie Mac’s Chief Economist Sam Khater notes, this is great news for homebuyers. He states,

“Mortgage rates declined to start the new year with the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage dipping to 4.51 percent. Low mortgage rates combined with decelerating home price growth should get prospective homebuyers excited to buy.”

In some areas of the country, the combination of rising interest rates and rising home prices had made some first-time buyers push pause on their home searches. But with more inventory coming to market, continued price growth, and interest rates slowing, this is a great time to get back in the market!

Will This Trend Continue?

According to the latest forecasts from Fannie Maethe Mortgage Bankers Association,and the National Association of Realtors, mortgage rates will increase over the course of 2019, but not at the same pace they did in 2018. You can see the forecasts broken down by quarter below.


Bottom Line

Even a small increase (or decrease) in interest rates can impact your monthly housing cost. If buying a home in 2019 is on your short list of goals to achieve, let’s get together to find out if you are able to today.

Source.. KCM Mike Ficzner Blog


Physician Loans USA, Real Estate Solutions for Doctors, matches borrowers with potential lenders and agents in the field of mortgage lending, home buying and relocation services.

Physician Loans USA, Real Estate Solutions for Doctors, matches borrowers with potential lenders and agents in the field of mortgage lending, home buying and relocation services.

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